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逢年过节,就避免不了礼尚往来,大家最想得到的不是礼品,而是祝福:平安,幸福。 于是一打听,原来中国送祝福的神仙有好多,最被大家供奉的就有:福神,禄神,寿神,喜神,财神。 所以我挑选了福禄寿喜四大神仙,代表了花生的四粒。 During the Spring Festival, we can't avoid reciprocity. What we want most is not gifts, but blessings: peace and happiness. As soon as I inquired, it turned out that there were many gods who sent blessings in China, and the ones most worshipped by everyone were: the God of blessing, the God of wealth, the God of longevity, the God of joy and the God of wealth.
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